Color Theory Design | Portland Florist

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Photo by Chantel Marie

Welcome to the second edition of our Portland Vendor Guide! This week, we present to you a wonderful local photographer: Alixann Loosle. We met Alixann almost immediately after moving to Portland, just as she had relocated to Portland from Utah. We are so grateful to have met Alixann so quickly, as a collaboration soon followed which resulted in the Cape Kiwanda photoshoot that you will see sprinkled below.

Alixann’s photographs captivate us, as they feel perfectly organic and natural, yet, simultaneously, so artfully composed. She effortlessly applies a technical mastery of her medium, capturing the most flattering angles and exquisite compositions, all while faithfully documenting candid movements and raw moments of emotion. Not only does she have a natural talent for working these moments and angles, but, on a personal level, Alixann is just as authentic as her photographs. Unassuming and down-to-earth, her demeanor sets her clients at ease, rendering her inconspicuously present to witness and capture precious moments at the precise moment of their genesis. We hope you enjoy learning more about Alixann, including her perspectives on photography and a few tips here and there for potential clients!

What is a piece of advice you’d like to give to all the potential clients out there when searching for a wedding photographer?

“Look through their entire body of work. Don't just follow them on Instagram and skim their website. Look at each wedding and make sure they know how to work with all lighting situations and know how to capture the entire wedding day in a beautiful way.”

Your photography has such a strong documentarian feel- what about your creative process with your clients allows you to create this type of work?

“I really love to keep my photo shoots and weddings very relaxed. The pressures of looking good can get out of hand and can lead to awkward movement and posing. I love to chat with my clients, walk around, ask them to hold hands and perform tasks like walk up to each other and hug. I give a lot of cinematic direction, as opposed to making someone stand still and hold a forced pose for a long period of time. Movement is everything to me.”

What advice have you received that has helped you in your photography journey?

“Ooh, there's definitely a lot. This wasn't verbal advice, but watching my dad interact calmly and attentively at weddings really influenced me. He never panicked under stressful situations and always made light of situations. He was good at calming everyone down and making things fun. I really try to keep a relaxed and positive demeanor at weddings because it sets the vibe for everyone else. I definitely learned that from him.”

Where do you find unlikely inspiration?

“Driving. I will see locations and moments take place from the seat of my car that inspire me to think of ideas for future shoots. I love to see beautiful landscapes, but I am also a big people-watcher. I love seeing the way people act when nobody is looking. Humanity is beautiful.”

What does your daily routine look like?

“Wake up, eat breakfast (coffee, toast, peanut butter, and a banana), then email responses first. I always get my emails done first thing. After that, I'll edit for a few hours then head to the gym. After the gym, I usually head back home, edit more and work on any other small projects that need to be finished. I try to cut myself off from work around 6pm, but I often have engagement shoots so it really just depends on the day! I sound a little boring, but I like to keep things as structured as possible since I'm self-employed.”

If you had a list of “best-kept secrets” (websites, books, coaches, etc) you’d recommend to other small business owners, which would you include and why?

“I really love to read. A book that changed my life is Manage Your Day‑To‑Day by Jocelyn K. Glei. This really helped my productivity and anxiety level. I also am very into meditation so I would recommend Waking Up by Sam Harris. This helps me to stay calm during chaos. I also am constantly looking for image inspiration on tumblr and Pinterest. My best advice to anyone who wants to achieve any sort of goal is to ignore any worries or negative thoughts that sidetrack you or make you feel like you're not good enough. Ignore those and focus on the tasks/goals that will lead you to where you want to be.”



See this gallery in the original post